Now that the July deluge has subsided, there is quite a bit of good fishing to be had. River levels are running medium to medium-low and salmon are in the creeks.
Dolly fishing has been heating up as the chums are settling in and starting to spawn. Sheep Creek and Salmon Creek have quite a few Dollies right above the tide line and are good spots for a "quick fish." Montana Creek has chums all the way up in the Canyon and the Dollies are behind them. Up by the rifle range the chum numbers are just starting to build but as you fish downstream the numbers really increase. A bit of rain and even more will push up.
Cowee is also fishing well for Dollies. Look for chums or long deep runs and be sure to get your offering down. Beads in Mottled Natural Roe and Mottled Tangerine in 8mm and 10mm are working well. Also Peachy King Glo Bugs, Unreal Eggs in Peachy King, Gorman Eggs in Pink #10 and Battle Creek specials are all good bets.
Finally, lots of pinks in Echo Cove especially around the low end of the tide. Humpy Hookers and Searunner Specials are the hot flies.
See you on the water, Brad